
PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag
The Pre-Roll In-Stream Video Tag is a foundational and highly practical integration type used by publishers to deliver video ads to their audience. These ads are displayed before the user’s desired video content begins, making them an effective way to engage with viewers who are still actively engaged and interested in the content they’re about to watch. This prime ad placement ensures a higher likelihood that viewers will watch at least a portion of the ad, if not the entire ad.
PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

Technical Details

Display Floating Ads
desktop preview gif
mobile preview gif

Key Features

Targeted Reach

Advertisers can leverage targeting capabilities to ensure their Pre-Roll In-Stream Videos are shown to the most relevant audience segments, maximizing campaign effectiveness.

Engagement Opportunity

By appearing before the main video content, Pre-Roll In-Stream Video ads offer advertisers a prime opportunity to engage with users when they are most receptive.

High Viewability

Pre-Roll In-Stream Video ads ensure high visibility as they are displayed before the main video content, capturing users' attention from the outset.

Other Ad Formats

High Yield

Interstitial Video

Interstitial Video

Full-screen video ad that covers the interface of a website, appearing between users’ activities.



PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays after the main video content, capturing the attention of viewers who have watched the entire video



AI TrueView Video Player

AI TrueView Video Player

Go with the flow and seamless integrate our ads into your site.


High Yield

Outstream Video Player

Outstream Video Player

Video ads that play outside of traditional video content automatically when they come into view to engage users.



MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

Plays during the main video, similar to a commercial break, engaging viewers while they are actively watching


High Yield

Sticky Video Player

Sticky Video Player

Remains visible and continues playing as the user scrolls through a webpage, typically anchored to a corner of the screen. High visibility and engagement.


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