Dynamic In-Content / Autoinsert

Dynamic In-Content / Autoinsert
The Dynamic In-Content, also known as Autoinsert, ad format is a sophisticated advertising solution that seamlessly integrates ads into your site’s content. This dynamic ad product carefully analyzes a section of your content and strategically inserts ads after specific paragraph tags or other elements on the page.
Dynamic In-Content / Autoinsert

Technical Details

Standard: 300x250, 336x280
Standard: 600x250, 300x250, 336x280
Display Floating Ads
desktop preview gif
mobile preview gif

Key Features

Customizable Frequency

You have full control over the frequency of ad insertions, allowing you to set preferences such as the first ad after the 2nd paragraph and subsequent placements every 3 paragraphs.

Smart Banner Placement

Within your content, Dynamic In-Content ads, are automatically inserted at regular intervals, ensuring high viewability and competitive CPMs. You have the flexibility to customize ad spacing, sizes, and placements to align with your site's unique needs.

User-Friendly Integration

The Dynamic In-Content feature ensures a seamless user experience by inserting ads as users scroll through the content. This not only increases viewability across all devices but also reduces page load times, enhancing overall site performance.

Best Practises


Enhanced Relevance

Dynamic In-Content ads are dynamically inserted based on the content of the webpage or user behavior. This targeted approach increases the users’ interaction with the ads and improves overall ad performance.


Increased Revenue Potential

By delivering highly relevant ads that are seamlessly integrated with the content, publishers get higher ad rates and generate more revenue.


Scalability and Efficiency

Autoinsert is scalable and efficient, allowing publishers to monetize their content across a wide range of platforms and devices with minimal manual intervention. This scalability makes it easier for publishers to manage and optimize their ad inventory efficiently.

Other Ad Formats


PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays before the main video content on a website, high visibility and engagement, easily integrated


High Yield

Interstitial Video

Interstitial Video

Full-screen video ad that covers the interface of a website, appearing between users’ activities.


High Yield

Sticky Video Player

Sticky Video Player

Remains visible and continues playing as the user scrolls through a webpage, typically anchored to a corner of the screen. High visibility and engagement.


High Yield

Outstream Video Player

Outstream Video Player

Video ads that play outside of traditional video content automatically when they come into view to engage users.



PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays after the main video content, capturing the attention of viewers who have watched the entire video



MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

Plays during the main video, similar to a commercial break, engaging viewers while they are actively watching



AI TrueView Video Player

AI TrueView Video Player

Go with the flow and seamless integrate our ads into your site.


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