
The Half-Screen banner is an exceptionally visible ad format that remains fixed on the user’s screen as they scroll through content on both desktop and mobile devices. Its high viewability ensures excellent RPM. This ad unit is dynamically injected into your site, in the proper spot, by our script, ensuring a hassle-free integration process.

Technical Details

Standard: 100%x400, 100%x200
*100% of the screen width
Standard: 100%x400, 100%x250
*100% of the screen width
Display Floating Ads
desktop preview gif
mobile preview gif

Key Features

Enhanced Engagement

The visually compelling nature of Half-Screen Banners encourages users to engage with the ad content while maintaining their browsing experience, leading to increased click-through rates and conversions.

Flexible Placement

These ads can be positioned either horizontally at the top or bottom of the screen or vertically along one side, providing flexibility for advertisers to choose the placement that best suits their campaign goals.

Prominent Visibility

Half-Screen Banners occupy a significant portion of the screen, ensuring users' attention is captured without dominating the entire interface.

Best Practises


Increased Click-Through Rates (CTRs)

The larger size and prominent placement of Half-Screen ads result in higher click-through rates as users notice and interact with the ad content.


Revenue growth

Due to their larger size and higher engagement rates, Half-Screen ads command higher CPM rates, offering publishers increased revenue potential.


Responsive Design

Half-Screen ads can be designed to adapt to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

Other Ad Formats


PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays after the main video content, capturing the attention of viewers who have watched the entire video



MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

Plays during the main video, similar to a commercial break, engaging viewers while they are actively watching


High Yield

Outstream Video Player

Outstream Video Player

Video ads that play outside of traditional video content automatically when they come into view to engage users.


High Yield

Interstitial Video

Interstitial Video

Full-screen video ad that covers the interface of a website, appearing between users’ activities.



PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays before the main video content on a website, high visibility and engagement, easily integrated



AI TrueView Video Player

AI TrueView Video Player

Go with the flow and seamless integrate our ads into your site.


High Yield

Sticky Video Player

Sticky Video Player

Remains visible and continues playing as the user scrolls through a webpage, typically anchored to a corner of the screen. High visibility and engagement.


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start monetizing

your website traffic 

like never before!

Join us today and start monetizing your website traffic like never before!