

The Highlight ad format is designed to seamlessly integrate within the content, creating a captivating and immersive experience for users. As users scroll down the page and this ad format comes into view, it transforms into the focal point of the page. The background is subtly dimmed, drawing the user’s attention to the ad. This innovative approach ensures that the ad captures users’ focus without being obtrusive. The Highlight ad format delivers a user-friendly, engaging experience that encourages interaction and keeps users immersed in the content.

Technical Details

Standard: Any in-content banner size
Standard: Any in-content banner size
Display Floating Ads
desktop preview gif
mobile preview gif

Key Features

Interactive Elements

Some Highlight ads may incorporate interactive elements such as clickable buttons or embedded videos, further enhancing user engagement and driving action.

Customizable Creatives

Advertisers have the flexibility to customize the creative elements of Highlight ads to align with their brand identity and campaign objectives, allowing for greater creativity and effectiveness.

Distinct Visual Design

These ads employ eye-catching colors, animations, or other visual elements to distinguish themselves from the rest of the content, drawing users' attention to the promoted message.

Best Practises


Increased Attention

Highlighted ads stand out from the rest of the content on the webpage, grabbing users' attention more effectively. This leads to higher engagement rates as users are more likely to notice and interact with the highlighted ad.


Improved Click-Through Rates (CTRs)

When an ad is visually differentiated from the surrounding content, it attracts more clicks. Users are clicking more on an ad that stands out, resulting in higher CTRs for publishers.


Better Monetization Opportunities

Highlighted ads command higher CPM rates compared to standard ad formats due to their increased visibility and engagement potential. This allows publishers to maximize their ad revenue and monetize their digital properties more effectively.

Other Ad Formats


PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PostRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays after the main video content, capturing the attention of viewers who have watched the entire video



MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

MidRoll In-Stream Video Tag

Plays during the main video, similar to a commercial break, engaging viewers while they are actively watching


High Yield

Sticky Video Player

Sticky Video Player

Remains visible and continues playing as the user scrolls through a webpage, typically anchored to a corner of the screen. High visibility and engagement.


High Yield

Interstitial Video

Interstitial Video

Full-screen video ad that covers the interface of a website, appearing between users’ activities.


High Yield

Outstream Video Player

Outstream Video Player

Video ads that play outside of traditional video content automatically when they come into view to engage users.



AI TrueView Video Player

AI TrueView Video Player

Go with the flow and seamless integrate our ads into your site.



PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

PreRoll In-Stream Video Tag

An ad that plays before the main video content on a website, high visibility and engagement, easily integrated


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like never before!

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